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Computer Terms 2

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Last Modified: Thu Aug 10 14:32:11 2006

!! Web Terms

samterlutmutpapri - skami te pluta mutpapri - web page - mp1=p3 is a web page / document containing hyperlinks in website / collection of hyperlinking documents mp2; links to documents including p2 with links including p3 via web sites includong p4 (use fa'u to associate elements of x3, x4 and x5)

samterlutselmutpapri or se samterlutmutpapri - web site

ralsamterlutselmutpapri - www - places as se samterlutmutpapri with r2 at the end; r3 is "best known" and "biggest"

uebe - short for ralju samterlutselmutpapri

uebe mutpapri - web page -

uebe selmutpapri - web site -

url - judri fi le uebe

pilno le ti/dei samymutpaprylu'a -
click a link/click here - pilno le ti pluta (short)

! Sessions

logged in/on - ca'o se jaspu le skami vreji (be le du'u le se jaspu cu jarco lo ka djuno le drani se mipri) (vreji in RAM counts!) le samru'e lo nu pilno / galfi le skami

login - co'a se jaspu

logout - co'u se jaspu

session - lo za'i se jaspu

! Hardware

memory - sorcu le datni

RAM - zasni sorcu le datni -