This page is a very dense source of information about me, in that it has my answers to various codes that give detailed information about me, some more common than others.
I've made a page of codes (as I couldn't find one), and would be delighted if you would visit it.
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS/P/SS/O d-(--) s+:+ a22 C++$(++++) U++++$ P+(+++) L+(-) E--- W++ N++ !o K w(---) !O M(--) V-- PS++ PE++ Y+(++) PGP++ t+(-) 5++ !X R+ tv- b+++ DI+ D--- G e>++ h r z** ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
-----BEGIN SEX CODE BLOCK----- Version: 1.1 SPoSlSi/Bi/MaEr A24 W--:++ !H w+ h+ D++ P40 E+++ a++ Ag++ Ar b+ cg+++ C++++ ?Cd++ ?Co+ d+ ?Di e fr+++ fg++ ?Fg-r ?Fi- ?g++ i+ ?I- k+++ m+++ Ma+ n+ p+ P(+) r++ ?s++ S+++ ?Sc--- ?Sw++ ?t+ ?T++ wa++ ?Wa-- ------END SEX CODE BLOCK------
The meaning of the above code is used in the description of the Sex Code (which I wrote), and since I have it done anyways I figure I'd reference it here. It gives you an idea of the type of information that can be encoded in a very short space with this code.
------BEGIN MAGIC CODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.93 MCH/WI/SH S W N++ PEC/CE/HI++ !D A- a C+++ G Q 666- Y ------END MAGIC CODE BLOCK------